At some point in a farm in the world….
All the animals were friends, the horse was a good animal until a herd of foxes came to eat the chickens, they all chickened out except the horse who scared the foxes out. All the animals in the farm began to look up to the horse because of his bravery. The days passed and his ego began to grow. Every day the animals gathered except the horse because he thought he was better than the others. After a couple of weeks, he began to feel lonely since he had no company. One day he decided to go to the meeting, when the animals saw him, they asked why he hadn´t attended previews meetings, he said: ‘’ I thought I was better that anyone in this farm to be with common animals’’ the cows answered:
‘’When you were a child this farm saved you and you pay us like
The horse was speechless.
And the pig said:
‘‘We saved you when you almost died’’
At that moment the horse understood that he became an egomaniac, he apologized to everyone And change since he was generous and began to behave well with everyone and red bunting this story is over.